GTK (Getting to Know) Katherine Van Noy

Respark Therapist, Katherine Van Noy is a sex therapist in Denver, Colorado. Katherine is a board-Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). She has experience seeing Sex Therapy clients throughout the state of Colorado in online therapy. Originally from Austin, Texas, Katherine now enjoys the best of both states. Here is an interview with her about some…

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The Death of Eros: An Interpretation of Esther Perel’s Mating in Captivity

The Death of Eros: An Interpretation of Esther Perel’s Mating in Captivity By Katherine Van Noy, MSN, PMHNP-BC  Sex with a new partner… the ultimate journey through space and time, like a rocket ship blasting through an infinite star system of colors, boldly traveling through that which we have not experienced before – another being’s…

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The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship

Esther Perel gave a TED talk a couple years ago that made her rather famous. She asks some poignant questions about relationships and desire which are listed as follows: Why does good sex so often fade, even for couples who love each other so much?  Can we want what we already have? Why is the…

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Rethinking Infidelity

Why do we cheat? Why do happy people cheat? What does infidelity mean to you? Why do we always think that Men cheat out of boredom and fear of intimacy, but women cheat out of hunger and desire for intimacy? Esther Perel has been working with couples for 20+ years, and has seen many couples…

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More on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse | The Gottman Institute 

We wrote a summary of the four horsemen to predict divorce and an earlier post. We’d like to keep expanding on this important topic of communication patterns in relationships. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are: Criticism: An example of a critical statement is, “You’re so selfish” Defensiveness: When you’re feeling defensive, you might say, “Its not my…

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Is monogamy really possible? Or is it just not natural?

On an episode of Dr. Phil in 2012, Dr. David Ley appeared to discuss sexual desire and monogamy. Dr. David Ley explained a huge component of attraction, facial symmetry. Women are more attracted to people with facial symmetry, as our brains analyze symmetry as having good DNA to reproduce with.  Dr. Phil asked David Ley,…

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Influential Resources from Respark Therapist, Katie Green

Respark Therapist, Katie Green is one of our couples and sex therapist in Austin. Katie also has experience seeing clients throughout the state of Texas in online therapy. Here are some of her influential media resources that have helped her along in her journey to becoming one of the best sex therapists in Austin. Some books…

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What is Sex Therapy? 

What is sex therapy?  Are images of Barbara Streisand from Meet the Fockers flashing through your mind? As entertaining as that may be, sex therapy is actually just where we talk about intimacy and relationship issues. The office is similar to a living room, bright, welcoming and comfortable. At Respark Therapy, sex therapy is a…

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The Four Horsemen that Predict Divorce

In 2012, John Gottman made an appearance on the Anderson Cooper show. For those who don’t know, John Gottman and his wife Julie Gottman are psychological researchers who have done decades of work around divorce and marital stability. Although we don’t endorse their views on sexual health, the research on relationships can help anyone in…

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